Wrath of the Furies

Monica walked into the lounge. She felt a little uncomfortable in her outfit which was little more than a silk sheet draped around her naked body. A glance around the room made her feel a little more at ease. She wasn’t the only one dressed that way. The theme of the party was Greek mythology and the lounge was renamed “Olympus” in keeping with the theme. Kevin was no where to be seen. In fact, there were no male guests there. The males that she did see were the waiters who were bare chested and wore hairy pants and two horned crowns on their heads.

“Satyrs. Cute.” She thought and laughed to herself.

At that time one of them approached her, greeted her warmly and led her to a corner of the lounge where there was a large cushion for her to sit and relax. As soon as she sat on the amazingly comfortable cushion she sank into it as if were a lounging recliner.

The Satyr looked at her, smiled and said “Lord Hermes will tend to you shortly”.

His eyes had a lusty gaze in them as he stared at her briefly before going to tend to the other guests. Monica looked at him as he walked off. He seemed middle aged but had a fairly good physique. Her mind soon returned to Kevin. They had been separated at the elevator as they went to their assigned rooms but she assumed they would have been reunited in the lounge for the festivities. She wasn’t long in her thoughts when a tall man with a dusky complexion approached her.

“Welcome to Olympus” he said in a voice that resonated like a low growl but was as smooth as velvet.“

I am Hermes. I hope you find Olympus accommodating during your stay” he said as he settled next to her, drawing closer.

He was handsome. His hair was jet black and tied into a pony tail that hung down over his left shoulder. His face was clean shaven and his eyes were of an unusual greenish-brown color that she had never seen on a man of his skin color before. She was able break from his hypnotic stare with some effort and started to ask where the male guests were before he interrupted her.

“Pick your poison” he said presenting her with a tray that had three wine glasses filled with a red liquid, a blue liquid and a purple liquid.

She looked at him. She was a little stunned by his abruptness but still marveled at his insistent presence. Monica eyed the tray held out in front of her. She reached out and took the glass with the red liquid. She inhaled its sweet fragrance and then held it to her lips. Hermes smiled devilishly as he stood to his feet.

“Wrath of the Furies. A fine choice” he said.

Monica paused to consider his words.

“Was that the name of the drink?” she thought to her self.

She looked into the glass and watched the crimson colored drink rolling around as she moved slightly in her seat. After breathing in another scent of the enchanting fragrance, she took a sip. Immediately a spicy kick melded with a potent alcohol base drenched her tongue. A warm sensation began flowing all over her body. She took another sip and suddenly the low temporal music seemed to get louder as she felt the heavy drum bass beating in her chest.

She closed her eyes and threw her head back to soak in the new sensations. Whatever she drank seemed to be taking effect immediately. When she opened her eyes again she saw three women dressed in tight red leather body suits standing around her. One stood to her left, another to her right and one directly in front of her. Monica’s heart started beating faster almost as if it were keeping pace with the music.

Alarmed, she tried to sit up but the Fury to her left held her shoulder. The Fury to her right did the same and they both pinned her down on the cushion. The Fury in front of her took the glass from her hand, took a sip and placed the glass on the floor. The Fury then knelt down in front of her and licked her lips. The kneeling Fury in front of her pushed the silk sheet above Monica’s waist exposing her pussy for all to see. She dragged her finger from Monica’s navel down to the hood of her clit and then brought her face between Monica’s legs. The heat of her tongue made Monica gasp as the Fury in front of her stabbed her tongue into Monica’s pussy. Monica looked around the room and saw the other guests who were all female engaged in similar activities.

The Fury’s tongue forced its way deep into her tasting her depths as she opened her legs wider to receive the sweet invasion. Monica looked down between her legs to see the Fury staring up at her as she continued to drill her pussy with her inhumanly long tongue. Her eyes had a golden tint like in the famous vampire movies which only made Monica’s heart beat faster. The Furies to the left and right of her exposed her breasts. The Fury to the left rolled her stiff nipple between her thumb and forefinger and the Fury to the right wrapped her lips around Monica’s right nipple and sucked hard.

The sudden rush of heat on her nipple made her pussy sopping wet which the Fury between her legs licked up greedily. Monica’s head was spinning. She wasn’t sure if it was the “poison” she drank or the rapid flow of sensations that rocked her body from head to toe. She felt that familiar stir in the pit of her stomach. She felt her body tighten up and shudder slightly. She was close. She closed her eyes as her breaths became shallow gasps.

A bright explosion of colors erupted behind her closed eyes as her body was rocked by an orgasm brought on by the sexual stimulation from total strangers. She felt hands all over her body groping her, stroking her and grabbing at her. She thought about Kevin. Part of her hoped he was there. She hoped one of the hands that were kneading her flesh was that of her husband.

As the shock of her orgasm began to die down she felt the hands release her. Monica opened her eyes to see a small crowd of people both men and women around her. She looked around and saw the faces of at least 10 people. None of them were Kevin. Monica was startled when she felt a large warm hand touch her still quivering knee. She looked up to her left and saw Hermes there with his hand on her knee pushing her legs apart. Her heart started beating heavily again. She wanted to say something but no words would leave her lips.

She looked at his body. He was completely naked. His abdomen which was dripping with sweat glistened in the dim light of the room and his dick swung proudly as he positioned himself on top of her. As he lowered his lips to hers she could smell his sweet fragrance. It was unlike anything she had ever smelled before. Their lips touched. His soft lips brushed over hers as his weight settled on top of her body. She could feel the weight and the heat of his stiffening penis on her stomach.

Her mind reeled. His lips closed over hers softly. She thought of Kevin. He sucked her lips into his mouth as his hands settled under her hips. She thought of the night Kevin proposed to her as her legs opened wider. Hermes thick, heavy dick dragged down her belly as he positioned himself. Her swollen pussy lips pulsed as she remembered the first time she and Kevin made love…. Monica bit her bottom lip as she felt her pussy throb and stretch as she shamelessly opened her legs wider to receive the thick, driving penis of a man whom she only knew by what was likely a fake name. His groans met her own as he pushed deeper into her. She could feel every vein of his thick dick pulse as his invading member throbbed inside of her. His lips left hers and he bent to her neck and sucked gently. Monica gasped when she felt a sharp bite on her neck. Before she could say or do anything in protest Hermes drove the rest of his throbbing dick deep into her.

Monica was paralyzed. Countless emotions and sensations coursed through her body. Hermes began stroking her dripping pussy with deep and steady strokes. He pumped non stop as if he were a machine. She could feel her lower back bump slightly against the floor through the cushion as each of Hermes’s thrusts seemed to pin her down against the floor with every stroke in ward and pull her back up slightly as her pussy gripped him when he pulled back. Monica felt her body explode from the root of her womb down to her toes as she convulsed wildly. Her eyes shut tight as she rode wave after wave of delicious sensations brought on by the dick of another man. When she finally open her eyes, she felt as if her soul had left her body. Above her, looking down at her was her husband Kevin. A shock of fright and a pang of guilt shot through her. Kevin just stared at her. She could not read his expression. He just stared at her as Hermes drove his dick into his wife. She could only moan as her body was being rocked by the muscular Hermes. Hermes, sensing his mischief, reached up and pulled her hair back forcing her to face Kevin. Monica gasped and came again drenching Hermes’s dick with her essence. She closed her eyes and opened them slowly. Kevin was kneeling over her face with his dick rock hard in front of her. She opened her mouth and he slid his dick into the mouth of his wife while her pussy convulsed and gripped on the dick of a handsome stranger. As Hermes thrust deep into Monica he pushed her mouth further down on Kevin’s dick. Kevin in turn grabbed Monica by the throat and fucked his wife’s throat forcing her body back down on Hermes’s dick. Monica struggled to breathe. With Kevin’s dick down her throat fucking it with a ferocity that he had never shown her before she could only breathe when he pulled back just enough for her to suck in some air before he slid it back deep gagging her.

Hermes pushed Kevin back and motioned for him to wait perhaps sensing Kevin’s annoyance with his interruption. He then motioned two of the Furies to go to Kevin. The shorter of the two women immediately sank to her knees and took Kevin’s hard dick which was slick with Monica’s spit and sucked it greedily into her mouth. The other Fury positioned herself behind Kevin. She ground her crotch against his naked butt and her hands circled around his chest and massaged his nipples. Hermes then Rolled over so that Monica was now on top of him. His iron dick still imbedded in her pussy as her body was all but limp.

Hermes waved the last Fury to come forward. He reached down and spread her ass which was soaked with her spent essence that ran down in between her cheeks. In an obviously practiced fashion, the Fury pressed her face between Monica’s spread cheeks, licked Hermes’s balls and dragged her tongue from the balls up along the exposed part of the shaft. She tickled Monica’s taint and then dragged her tongue across her pulsing asshole. Monica moaned weakly as the Fury drove her tongue slowly into Monica’s ass. She just lay quivering as Hermes thrust up into her heated pussy. She managed to look around the room and saw everyone was engaged in one form of debauchery or another. The Satyr who escorted her to her seat was watching her lustily as he was driving his dick into an older Asian woman from behind.

Kevin pulled his dick out of the short Fury’s mouth and walked behind the Fury who was tongue fucking his wife’s ass. With a yank he dragged the skimpy panties the Fury wore down just over her butt, aimed his dick at her drenched pussy and slammed his dick in deep up to his balls. The Fury let out a groan and gripped Kevin’s dick like a vice while she continued to eat Monica’s asshole. With every thrust, Kevin drove the Fury’s tongue deeper into his wife making the both of them squirm. The Fury began to tremble and shot pulses of cum onto Kevin’s balls before she collapsed and rolled to the side.

Hermes, who had shown superhuman stamina up to this point gripped Monica’s hips, pulled her down on top of him and shot load after load into her savaged pussy. Monica who was weak from multiple orgasms lay trembling on top of Hermes. Kevin rolled the twitching Fury aside and positioned himself behind Monica. He aimed his cum drenched dick at her asshole and pushed in slowly. Monica let out a sound like a scream and a sigh as her husband claimed her asshole for the first time. She clenched her muscles uncontrollably and shook like she was having a seizure.

Hermes felt her orgasmic contractions squeezing both his dick in her pussy and Kevin’s dick in her asshole. He began getting hard again. Kevin was driving his dick into her asshole in a steady rhythm and Hermes started stroking in time with Kevin. As Kevin drove in, Hermes pulled out and vice versa. Monica was lost. Her body was rocked with so many emotions. She came so many times. She even cried a few times. She could feel Kevin stroking her back as he fucked her. She looked down at Hermes. His face was drenched with sweat. His once sweet aroma was now replaced with the heady smell of sweat and sex. His eyes were closed as he thrust up unto her churning his seed in and out of her.

She ground down on top of Hermes and then threw her ass back at Kevin sucking his dick deep into her bowels. She was matching their stroked with strokes of her own. Soon she built up a rhythm and the three were fucking in unison. Her pussy ached, her ass ached but she was on fire. She felt a fire in her belly that she wanted to put out. The only way to put it out was with cum. Cum in her pussy and cum in her ass. She threw herself down and back. Soon everyone was watching them and only them. She felt Kevin’s hands grip her shoulders and he pounded his dick into her ass. She felt Hermes’s hands grip her hips as he thrust up into her.

Out of no where the Satyr walked up to her and shoved his dick into her mouth. He came shooting his salty seed down her throat. Kevin let out a shout and shot torrents of cum up her tortured asshole. Monica’s pussy clenched hard on Hermes’s dick and he shot a second load into her. All of this was too much for Monica to bear. She came. Her body convulsed and shook. Her legs trembled and her fingernails tore the skin on Hermes’s chest. Her breathing was erratic and out of control. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears. A mixture of Hermes’s cum and hers ran from between her legs down to his abdomen. Monica pushed the Satyr away and collapsed on the floor.